Thursday, April 8, 2010

Standings after Elimination--Week 2

Big Mike has no chance of winning this competition, and I really can't believe the judges used their one save to keep him on the show. What if Crystal needs it? Siobhan? Lee???? Mike was good this week, and he's had a few good moments throughout the season, but he's not going to win. The save should be reserved for someone who has a real shot. So here are our standings after Week 2:

1. Kayla
1. Don
1. Donnie
1. Dan
1. Jennie
1. Susan
1. Janet
1. Linda/Ida
2. Patrice

Patrice joined late, and I had to handicap her 5 points. Sorry, Patrice! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I totally disagree that big Mike doesn't have a chance. Have you seen this?

    It all comes down to confidence and Mike's got it. Lee is like a deer in headlights out there.
