Thursday, March 31, 2011

Post Your 2011 Entries Here

Aight, ya'll. It's time for the much awaited "bracket" contest (I know, I know, it's not really a bracket, but close enough). Please post your top 9 rankings here. You should rank contestants in the order in which you predict they will be eliminated. #9 should be the person you think will be eliminated first and #1 should be the winner. Each week I will update the standings and the overall winner will receive a $5 bill from me in an envelope. If I win then I get to buy myself a couple giant diet cokes!

The rules are based on a very complicated formula (below). It's too exhausting to try to retype so please forgive the fact that I have copied and pasted from the entry that I wrote last year. Because I'm very detail-oriented, I have changed the names in some of my examples.

Entries must be posted by TUESDAY, APRIL 5th at 5:00 PM.


Love, Kayla

The Point System

On the Spot = 3 points: You get 3 points for each rank you hit on the number. For example, if you put Paul in position #8 and he is eliminated that week then you get three points.

Streak of Two = 3 points: You get 3 points for each “streak of two.” For example, if you say that Jacob will be eliminated the week right before Lauren (no matter what their ranks) you get 3 points.

Reverse Streak = 2 points: You get 2 points for a “reverse streak.” For example, if you say that Lauren will be eliminated the week right before Jacob (no matter what their ranks) but Jacob is eliminated the week before Lauren, you get 2 points.

Streak of Three = 5 points: You get 5 points for each “streak of three.” For example, if you say that Jacob will be eliminated the week before Lauren and following him will be Pia, you get 5 points. You already earned 3 points for your streak of two, so you don’t get them again for the two streaks of two within the streak of three (for saying that Michael would go before Siobhan and Siobhan would go before Lee. Nice try, but sorry!). (What the heck!?!? That was too confusing to even try to change the names from last year!!)

Streak of Four or Five (or more)= 10 points each. You get 10 points for each “streak of four” or “streak of five.” Streaks build, so the following could happen:

10. Contestant A
9. Contestant B 3 points, streak of two
8. Contestant C 5 points, streak of three
7. Contestant D 10 points, streak of four
6. Contestant E 10 points, streak of five

= 28 points total

(On Word, I was able to create brackets to make that easier to understand, but they don't translate into Blogger. Shoot.)

Reserve Streak of Three = 0 points: There are no “reverse streak of 3’s” (or 4’s or 5’s).

Top 3 = 6 points: If you get the top three in ANY order, you get 6 points. For example, if you say that Scotty, Pia, and James will be in the top three and they are, you get 6 points, no matter who comes in first, second, and third.

Top 2 = 8 points: If you get the top two in ANY order, you get 8 points. For example, if you say it will come down to Casey and Haley and it does, you get 8 points, no matter who wins and who is the runner-up.

Winner = 10 points: If you call the winner you get 10 points.

Top 3 In Order = 10 points: If you get the top three IN RANK ORDER, you get an extra 10 points, on top of the 6 points you already got for getting them in any order.

Same week elimination: If two contestants are eliminated in the same week (if, for example, there is another judge’s save or some other crazy thing) then your ranking can swing either way. For example, if Casey and Paul are eliminated in the same week and you have Casey as #4 and Paul as #5 then you can swing Casey or Paul up or down for a “streak.”

That’s it!

You are welcome to keep score along with me. In fact, you might want to just in case my math is rusty or I can’t keep track of my own convoluted rules. If it’s all too confusing, just send me your ranking and sit back and enjoy the show.

Thank you for playing!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

This Changes Everything...

Well, not quite everything. But this year the contest will be a ranking of the TOP NINE rather than the TOP TEN. You know what? All I care about is that this year Naima will get to be on the stage at a musical festival instead of cleaning the toilets at the venue. The whole time Casey was hyperventilating about being saved I was about to crap my pants hoping that they wouldn't do another elimination before deciding who got to go on tour. Because if Naima had to clean toilets again? I would cry.

Not that anyone really cares, but Donnie is beating me 41 points to 3. What's left of our teams is as follows:

Donnie: Scotty, Jacob, Haley, Thia, Lauren (Starter), and James (Starter).
Kayla: Stefano, Pia, Naima, and Casey (Starter).

I have NO IDEA how I am going to rank the top nine, so I better pay some serious attention this week and look for signs of weakness and evidence of the white hot core.

FYI: the absence of a white hot core is what Donnie says is keeping me from being a really good runner. He, apparently, possesses one.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Top 13

Quick update on the Donnie vs. Kayla split the pot. Here is who we each still have in the running:

Kayla: Stefano, Pia, Naima, Casey
Donnie: Scotty, Jacob, Haley, Thia, Lauren, James
Free Agents: Paul, Karen

Donnie lost Ashton this week, but he is still beating me with a whopping +33 to my -2. Are you kidding me??

James and Naima both killed it. I loved James’ “Maybe I’m Amazed,” except I kept cringing thinking he was going to start screaming. In the end, he surprised me by being very soft and controlled. And Naima. Wow. The reggae “Umbrella” was so cool and her dance moves were badass.

It’s going to be so hard to rank a top ten. I think Lauren, Pia, Casey, and Jacob are all in the running to win. What makes that even tougher is that I think James would make a good second-place finisher. But who could he edge out? Also, Scotty McCreery is soooo much better than A-hole (aka Aaron, the young country boy) was last year, and Aaron made it all the way to the number 5 spot. Based on my very informal research (i.e., asking around), I think there is a pretty strong country music voting contingency, which means he could do very well.

Remember, the top 10 open bracket contest will kick off in a couple weeks so start ranking your favorites now.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Top 12 Girls

Ta-tynisa (Only Girl in the World): What’s with borrowing the cupcake dresses from Toddlers and Tiaras? She’s not the only one (ahem, Lauren, I’m talking to you). Anyway, the song. I thought it was a little bit scream-ish. Now back to the dress. I want one but I have nowhere to wear it.

Naima (Summertime): I LOVE her story. LOVE LOVE. And she did a lovely job. Unfortunately, I agree with Randy about it being a little lounge-y but I like Steven’s idea about bringing a new-old-timey vibe.

Kendra: Who the heck is she? But omg her voice is pretty good. Except she got a little out of breath towards the middle. Forgettable.

Rachel (Criminal): Hate her. Which is sad because I love this song. She’s almost ruined it for me. Like the time I was eating quiche at a function and the guy across the table from me threw his up on his plate. True story.

Karen (Hero): She is gorgeous. She almost looks too much like J-Lo. I dug the Spanish.

Lauren Turner (Seven Day Flu?): How old is she, 50?

Ashton: No. She’s done better.

Julie (Break Away): See, look at the cupcake dress. This is the quintessential American Idol song, but she blew it.

Haley (Fallin): OH WOW. I love her voice. So different. But would I want to hear it for 12 tracks? Not sure. Her personality is cute, too.

Thia (Some Song I’ve Never Heard): I like that she elected to sing without the van. Haha, I don’t know why I wrote “without the van.” Obviously, I meant the band. She also wins best dressed.

Lauren Alaina (Turn On the Radio): She looks like she dressed up as Kelly Clarkson for Halloween.

Pia (Stand By You): Perfect. She’s my favorite girl. She’s had me singing “I’ll Catch a Grenade For You” for weeks. Except in our house we pronounce it "grenod."

The Top 5 Should Be: 1) Pia, 2) Haley, 3) Thia, 4) Lauren A., 5) Ashton. Alternate: Naima.