Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hometown Week

Funny story... last week on vacation I watched Idol with my Aunt Leesa and my cousin and when it was over Aunt Leesa got out her cell phone and voted for every single contestant. Twice. I started to argue that she might as well not vote for any of them but she said they “all did a good job.” Haha—I love her!

Casey (Okay It’s Alright With Me): Who sings this song? I’m not sure, but Casey looked like he really enjoyed himself. Eh. He hit some good notes, pretty boring though.

Crystal (Come To My Window): Good song choice. I used to really like this song and when she said what she had chosen it felt so right. Donnie said the arrangement was awkward but I think she sounded cool. BTW Randy just said exactly what I wrote.

Lee (Simple Man): Okay, when he first sat there with Ryan I wrote something stupid about his hair but I’m going to leave that out and just say that was incredible. From the first note I could tell he was about to have a moment. Now he knows he is about to win.

Casey (Daughters): I’d rather hear Lee sing this song, but Kara is right about Casey needing to know his audience. The instruments were WAY TOO LOUD in this song: kind of drowned him out. I liked his guitar solo at the end, but he never brought it vocally.

Crystal (Maybe I’m Amazed): I thought Crystal said she was going to be singing “Baby I’m Amazed,” which I think is a country song. This was better. Really good, actually. How cute would she look if she cut her dreads and had a shaggy little bob?

Lee (Halleluiah): Sold! To the lady with the sunburn.

1 comment:

  1. Is it time for me to start gloating about the fact that I picked Lee to win?! : )
