Thursday, March 31, 2011

Post Your 2011 Entries Here

Aight, ya'll. It's time for the much awaited "bracket" contest (I know, I know, it's not really a bracket, but close enough). Please post your top 9 rankings here. You should rank contestants in the order in which you predict they will be eliminated. #9 should be the person you think will be eliminated first and #1 should be the winner. Each week I will update the standings and the overall winner will receive a $5 bill from me in an envelope. If I win then I get to buy myself a couple giant diet cokes!

The rules are based on a very complicated formula (below). It's too exhausting to try to retype so please forgive the fact that I have copied and pasted from the entry that I wrote last year. Because I'm very detail-oriented, I have changed the names in some of my examples.

Entries must be posted by TUESDAY, APRIL 5th at 5:00 PM.


Love, Kayla


  1. Okay, I guess I'll go first...

    9. Stefano
    8. Jacob
    7. Haley
    6. Paul
    5. Scotty
    4. Pia
    3. James
    2. Casey
    1. Lauren

  2. 9. Stefano
    8. Pia
    7. Jacob
    6. Paul
    5. Scotty
    4. Casey
    3. Haley
    2. James
    1. Lauren

  3. 9. Haley
    8. Scotty
    7. Jacob
    6. Paul
    5. Lauren
    4. Stefano
    3. Casey
    2. Pia
    1. James

  4. 9. Paul
    8. Jacob
    7. Casey
    6. Stefano
    5. Lauren
    4. Scotty
    3. Pia
    2. James
    1. Haley

  5. 9. Paul
    8. Jacob
    7. Scotty
    6. Stefano
    5. Haley
    4. Pia
    3. Casey
    2. James
    1. Lauren

  6. Jennifer's List:

    Jacob 9 I can't stand him
    Paul 8
    Casey 7
    Lauren 6
    Stefano 5
    Haley 4
    James 3
    Scotty 2
    Pia 1

  7. Dad's List:
    9. Scotty
    8. Stefano
    7. Paul
    6. Lauren
    5. Jacob
    4. Haley
    3. Casey
    2. Pia
    1. James

  8. Ida's Entry:

    9. Paul
    8. Casey
    7. Stefano
    6. Pia
    5. Haley
    4. James
    3. Lauren
    2. Jacob
    1. Scotty

  9. 9. Jacob
    8. Paul
    7. Haley
    6. Stefano
    5. Casey
    4. Scotty
    3. Pia
    2. Lauren Alaina
    1. James

  10. Katie and Ellen

    9. Paul
    8. Jacob
    7. Stefano
    6. Haley
    5. Scotty
    4. Casey
    3. Lauren
    2. James
    1. Pia

  11. 9. Paul
    8. Stefano
    7. Jacob
    6. Lauren
    5. Scotty
    4. Pia
    3. Casey
    2. James
    1. Haley

  12. 9. Paul
    8. Stefano
    7. Jacob
    6. Haylee
    5. Casey
    4. Lauren
    3. Scotty
    2. James
    1. Pia

  13. 9. Haley
    8. Paul
    7. Lauren
    6. Stefano
    5. Casey
    4. Scotty
    3. James
    2. Jacob
    1. Pia

    (Jennifer Ogg)

  14. 9. Haley
    8. Stefano
    7. Paul
    6. Scotty
    5. Casey
    4. Lauren
    3. James
    2. Pia
    1. Lauren

  15. Aunt Leesa's Ranking:

    9. Stefano Langone
    8. Haley Reinhart
    7. Lauren Alaina
    6. Scotty McCreery
    5. Jacob Lusk
    4. Pia Toscano
    3. Casey Abrams
    2. Paul McDonald
    1. James Durbin
