Thursday, April 14, 2011

These Results Brought to you by Two Servings of DayQuil

Please enjoy Donnie’s commentary about last night’s show in the post below. Also, please enjoy a mental image of him sitting in the recliner with his feet on the coffee table shouting “I am Nostradamus!” when he realized his prediction would put him in first place again this week.

1. Donnie
2. Ida
3. Susan
3. Barb
3. Leesa
3. Kayla
7. Don
8. Jennie
8. Janet
8. Cindi
8. Jennifer O.
8. Dan
13. Dad
13. Katie
15. Jennifer S.

Also, Donnie was really downplaying the extent of my illness when he described it as “under the weather.” I’m so sick I didn’t go to class. That is a FIRST. And when Maggie called to see if I would be up in half an hour to look at her new haircut I screamed, “Hell no, I’m sick!” Whoops. I guess I'm not a very good patient.


  1. Excuse me, Donnie just corrected me and said that he was really saying "I am Nostra-Donnie" which is much funnier and much less nerdy.

  2. Question for the Officials. I don't mean to complain or question your integrity, but I don't understand how Don is now ahead of Janet when I picked Paul to leave last week and Don did not. He picked Jacob. Not that I understand either scoring system at all, but it could have been the NyQuil.

  3. Good question, thanks for noticing!! What made Don ahead of you is that he put Lauren as leaving in the number 5 position, and I'm using position 5 as a placeholder, which gives him zero points for that contestant. Janet, you put her at position 2, so you are getting three points for her right now (the difference between her placeholder and her actual position). So really, it's the placeholders that are throwing off the scoring right now, not your actual picks. Once more contestants have been eliminated and we have more "actuals" and fewer "placeholders" things will shape up.

    Or it could have been the NyQuil.
